Equine Facilitated Learning
What is EFL?
Equine Facilitated Learning can be described as exploring and guiding interactions between participants and horses it involves active teaching of horse handling skills for all ages and abilities.
By using carefully thought out games and obstacles, participants understand the benefits of controlling their energy and body language when dealing with others and the horse. Learning outcomes can include:
Developing a relationship with a horse allows participants to fine tune their communication skills and body language use, but most of all to have fun and feel good.
The clients also have the opportunity to dress the horses up! There is a variety of costumes for all ages and genders. Everyone loves to play dress ups!
1:1 Equine Facilitated Learning and Canine Intervention Sessions
Weekly Kindergarten and Primary Social Skills Groups
During the Kindergarten and Primary School Social groups children will be supported to:
Weekly Teenage Social and Mindfulness Group
The Teen's group participants will meet likeminded peers in a relaxed, horse loving environment; share strengths, passions and interests over horse activities or chat with a peer support leader.